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What does the surge current mean in the case of extension leads with overvoltage protection?

Power strips with surge protection can reduce surges so that connected devices are not damaged. The maximum surge current for extension leads with surge protection indicates how much current can be discharged without destroying the protective device itself.

The higher the value, the greater an overvoltage in the power supply system may be without destroying the protective devices, or the higher the surge current, the more smaller overvoltage peaks the extension leads with surge protection can absorb without sustaining damage.

How high must the surge protection be?

How high the number of maximum surge currents should be depends on what kind of devices are to be protected.

If it concerns devices that were particularly expensive to purchase and whose destruction would cause damage, it is worthwhile to resort to a surge protection product with a high number of total leakage currents or a high maximum sum of surge currents.

How much surge protection is needed for different electrical devices?

  • High-end devices are particularly expensive and increasingly powerful, but they also react more sensitively to surges. We recommend surge protection socket strips with a max. leakage current of up to 120,000 A for high-end or for products that represent a high monetary or non-material value. 
  • For sophisticated electrical appliances such as game consoles or charging stations, we recommend surge protection socket strips with a max. leakage current of 19,500 A.
  • For standard electrical appliances such as coffee makers, kettles or blenders, we recommend surge protection socket strips with a maximum leakage current of 13,500 A.

Surge currents for socket strips with surge protection - brennenstuhl®

För avancerade produkter och för produkter som har ett penningmässigt eller ideellt värde rekommenderar vi grenuttag med överspänningsskydd med en max. läckström på från 30 000 A till 120 000 A. Avancerade apparater kostar särskilt mycket och är alltid effektivare, men å andar sidan känsligare för överspänningar.

För lite mer krävande elapparater som t.ex. spelkonsoler eller laddningsstationer rekommenderar vi grenuttag med överspänningsskydd med en maximal läckström på 19 500 A.

För standard elapparater som t.ex. kaffemaskiner, vattenkokare eller matberedare rekommenderar vi grenuttag med överspänningsskydd med en maximal läckström på 13 500 A.

När det gäller elapparater som ligger våra kunder lite extra varmt om hjärtat brukar vi rekommendera att man förser dem med högre läckström.

Steckdosenleisten mit Überspannungsschutz

Surge protection with a total leakage current of up to 120,000 A for high-end devices, gaming setup, home cinema, etc.

For electrical devices that are of monetary or sentimental value to you, the use of high-quality surge protection extension leads is recommended.

High-end devices are often very expensive to purchase. On the other hand, the devices are very powerful, but also react more sensitively to disturbances in the mains, such as overvoltages. That is why brennenstuhl® recommends surge protection with a maximum sum of surge currents of up to 120,000 A for high-end devices that are often also expensive to purchase.

Surge protection for advanced electrical appliances such as game consoles, screens, TVs, routers

For sophisticated electrical devices such as game consoles, routers or charging stations, we recommend surge protection extension leads with a maximum sum of surge currents of 19,500 A.

Surge protection for everyday electrical appliances such as coffee machines, blenders, printers, lamps, etc.

For standard electrical devices such as coffee makers, kettles or blenders, we recommend surge protection extension leads with a maximum total surge current of 13,500 A.