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brennenstuhl® trade fair BAU 2025

Full power for the trade: brennenstuhl® Professional innovations at the BAU trade fair in Munich

The BAU trade fair will take place in Munich from 13 to 17 January 2025. For the first time, brennenstuhl® will be present with its own stand with its wide range of professional power distribution and work lighting for construction sites and professionals in the trade.

Premiere for brennenstuhl® at the BAU 2025 in Hall C6, Booth 423

At the trade fair stand in Hall C6, the cable reels, extension cables, power distributors, LED construction lights and hand lamps can be experienced and tested live, while our brennenstuhl® team answers all questions about the product world.

A visit is also worthwhile for exciting prize draws on site.

brennenstuhl® Trade fair BAU 2025


Experience brennenstuhl® Professional power distribution and lighting - made for professionals!

In addition to the well known brennenstuhl® products for construction sites and trade, visitors will have the opportunity to discover the product news from brennenstuhl® Professional in detail. A visit to the fair offers the advantage of convincing oneself on site of the robust workmanship and high performance of the professional products, which have been developed for demanding use on building sites and in the trades.

Furthermore, the trade fair will provide comprehensive advice from our experts, who will show practical tips and possible applications - a decisive added value for professionals who focus on quality and efficiency.

Don't miss the opportunity to discover new work lights, power distribution solutions and many other innovations from the world of professional tools.


Also at BAU for the first time: AMPShare - Powered by Bosch

The multi-manufacturer AMPShare alliance can also be found right next door on stand 421. The possibilities and advantages of the battery partnership founded by Bosch Professional, Rothenberger and Fein can be visited at stand 421, right next to brennenstuhl®. There, AMPShare will inspire visitors with its variety of tools and innovations.

Further information about BAU can be found on the official website www.bau-muenchen.com.