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The perfect headlight for jogging

The perfect headlamp for jogging

The right headlamp for outdoor activities
Darkness is often a problem - and of course a high risk of injury. On dark routes, such as unlit parks or off-road, obstacles are difficult or impossible to recognise. In the autumn and winter months in particular, it is very dark both early in the morning and early in the evening. This means that training sessions inevitably take place in the dark.
But that shouldn't stop you from going for your daily jog!

With a headlamp, jogging in the fresh air after dark is easy, even after a stressful day.

How a headlamp works is very simple - the headlamp can be attached directly to the head using a very comfortable elasticated strap covered with fabric. It is also no problem to pull this band over a cap or headband, as the band can be individually adjusted.

The LEDs provide you with a very bright, extremely energy-saving and extremely compact and durable product.
As the headlamps are IP44 protected against foreign bodies and splash water, you can wear them in wind and weather without any worries.
This makes swaying and slipping on your head while jogging a thing of the past!

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