Smoke detectors & hazard detectors







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View allHazard detectors from brennenstuhl® - smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, CO2 meter and other devices for more safety at home
Find important information about smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, carbon dioxide detectors and other devices for home & security with our guide.
brennenstuhl® smoke detector
Smoke detector with 10-year battery life
The brennenstuhl® smoke alarm RM L 3100 with 10-year battery life is powered by a lithium battery, a long-life battery. The networkable smoke detector RM L 3101 also has a battery life of 10 years thanks to its permanently installed lithium battery.
Smoke detectors with a 10-year battery are popular because this means safety and operational readiness for 10 years, without the hassle of changing batteries. This not only pleases you, but also the environment.
Connectable smoke detectors
If one triggers, they radio to each other and all sound the alarm - that is the greatest advantage of radio smoke detectors.
Radio smoke detectors are also known as networkable smoke detectors or radio-networkable smoke detectors. These are smoke detectors with an additional radio module. This module enables communication between different detectors. If one of the detectors detects smoke, all of them sound the alarm.
You want to use networked smoke detectors? To ensure that the radio smoke detectors are compatible with each other, it is advisable to purchase them all from the same manufacturer.
The RM L 3101 smoke detector can be wirelessly networked with up to 40 smoke detectors and is tested according to DIN EN 14604. In the event of a fire, it emits an 85dB loud alarm signal.
WiFi smoke detector: Intelligent smoke detector with app
Are you looking for a WLAN smoke detector or a smoke detector with an app or smartphone connection? You can find the brennenstuhl®Connect WiFi smoke and heat alarm in our Smart Home category.
It sends a push message to your smartphone if a dangerous situation is detected due to heat or smoke.
Smoke detector set
You can also find practical smoke detector sets at brennenstuhl®. The brennenstuhl® smoke detector RM L 3100 with integrated 10-year battery is available in sets of 2 or 4.
The networked smoke detectors are also available in a set of 4 radio smoke detectors with a 10-year battery.
Smoke detector with mute switch
Smoke detectors with mute function are suitable for places where false alarms may be triggered. For example, an alarm is triggered by cooking fumes in the kitchen - the smoke detector can be muted by pressing the mute button.
Smoke detector mounting
Smoke detector magnetic mounting plate: Installing smoke detectors without drilling
You want to mount your smoke detector without drilling? Then attach the smoke detector with a magnet.
The magnetic mount from brennenstuhl® makes it easy to mount the smoke detector and easy to remove it again for testing, battery replacement, etc..
The concept is very simple. A set of the BR 1000 magnetic mounting plate consists of two metal plates that attract each other magnetically. One plate is stuck to the ceiling, the second to the floor of the smoke detector.
Where should smoke detectors be mounted?
According to DIN 14676, smoke detectors should
- always on the ceiling
- preferably in the middle of the room
- or at least 50 centimetres away from the wall, a joist or furnishings that could obstruct the penetration of smoke into the smoke detector
be installed.
Where are smoke detectors mandatory?
The rooms in which smoke detectors must be installed may differ from state to state. In Berlin and Brandenburg, for example, smoke detectors are also mandatory in living rooms and offices.
In all federal states, however, it is compulsory to install smoke detectors at least in bedrooms and children's rooms as well as in corridors (or rooms used as escape routes).
However, the general recommendation is to install smoke detectors in the following rooms:
- Rooms where people sleep.
- Rooms where people stay for a longer period of time.
- Rooms in which many electrical appliances are installed.
- Rooms that serve as escape routes.
Smoke detector obligation
In Germany, Austria, Great Britain and Ireland there is a comprehensive smoke detector obligation for private living spaces. Scotland is the first country where all dwellings must even be equipped with networked smoke detectors. (Status 03-2023)
The smoke detector obligation in Germany for private living space applies in all 16 federal states, both for rented and private living space. The smoke detector obligation also applies to new buildings and conversions in all federal states. In 15 of the 16 federal states, smoke detectors have been mandatory for existing buildings for some time. (Status 03-2023)
In some federal states, the smoke detector obligation has now been in force for 10 years. After 10 years of operation, it is important to replace the installed smoke detectors with new ones, as the service life of the electronics built into the detectors is coming to an end.
Smoke detectors tested according to DIN EN 14604
The European standard DIN EN 14604 specifies the requirements, test procedures and performance criteria for smoke alarms. Smoke alarms in Europe must meet the standards according to DIN EN 14604.
Smoke alarms with "Q" quality seal
The "Q" quality seal is an independent quality mark and stands for reliable and tested quality for smoke alarms throughout Europe. The extensive testing for smoke detectors with "Q" is carried out by independent, authorised testing institutes in Europe (vfdb guideline 14-01 or "Q" brand statutes).
Q smoke detectors provide early and extremely reliable warning of life-threatening fire smoke, which is of crucial importance in the event of a flat fire. At the same time, smoke detectors with "Q" offer protection against false alarms and have a reliable operational readiness of 10 years.
"Smoke detectors save lives"
In Germany, the "Rauchmelder retten Leben" (Smoke Detectors Save Lives) initiative has been successfully educating the public about fire safety for over 20 years. The "Forum Brandrauchprävention e.V." runs the initiative - brennenstuhl® is also a member.
The initiative has already achieved a lot of good: Smoke detector legislation has been introduced in all federal states in Germany. This has drastically reduced the number of fire victims.
Carbon monoxide detector
A CO detector gives an alarm signal when there is an increased concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) in the room. Carbon monoxide is invisible and odourless - the CM A 3030 CO detector protects against precisely this danger.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced during the incomplete combustion of fuels containing carbon. Especially under oxygen deficiency, life-threatening concentrations are quickly reached.
Causes can be technical defects, lack of maintenance or manipulation of the combustion equipment. Defective heating systems, blocked chimneys or fireplaces, a barbecue in the garden shed, exhaust fumes in general. The formation of carbon monoxide (CO) affects many areas.
When do I need a CO detector or when does a carbon monoxide detector make sense?
CO detectors are always useful when fireplaces are located in closed rooms. If this is the case, consumers should install several devices in the house, but especially in the room where a fireplace is located.
Read more about why a CO detector is important in the brennenstuhl® theme world.
Where should a CO detector be installed?
Since carbon monoxide has about the same density as breathing air, it is distributed downstairs in the room. Therefore, it is recommended that carbon monoxide detectors are not mounted on the ceiling, but on walls at viewing height, about 1.5 metres.
There are a few tips on how to install the carbon monoxide detector correctly. A carbon monoxide detector belongs in all rooms with "fuel-operated" appliances. To avoid false alarms, the distance to the combustion device should be 1-3 metres.
It is also advisable to install them in rooms without combustion appliances where people spend long periods of time, e.g. living rooms and bedrooms. The hazard detector should be installed at sight level or breathing height. In the bedroom (in a lying position) this means approx. 45 cm above the floor. In living rooms or study rooms In recreation rooms approx. 1-1.5m above the floor.
CO2 meter
CO2 detector or monitoring air quality
The brennenstuhl® carbon dioxide traffic light gives a quick and clear indication of the air quality in rooms by means of a traffic light display and alarm signal and indicates the need for ventilation.
The result of the measurement is indicated visually. The traffic light display allows you to quickly read what the value says about the current air quality. The traffic light display changes between green, yellow or red LED depending on the CO2 concentration.
What does a CO2 detector measure?
The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) is measured. Carbon dioxide is a natural component of the air and excessive concentrations can be eliminated by regular ventilation. The CO2 detector tells consumers when this is necessary.
In addition to measuring the carbon dioxide content, the brennenstuhl® carbon dioxide traffic light also measures the temperature and humidity indoors.
Read more about how a carbon dioxide traffic light helps to improve air quality in the brennenstuhl® theme world.
What do you need a CO2 detector for?
The CO2 meter is used to assess the air quality quickly and easily. The CO2 meter measures the CO2 concentration (carbon dioxide) in a room. In addition, the CO2 meter emits an acoustic alarm signal as soon as the value of 1,400 ppm is exceeded.
The CO2 concentration in closed rooms is of great importance for the evaluation of indoor air quality. The use of CO2 measuring devices is therefore recommended especially when many people are in closed rooms for a longer period of time.
Typical areas of use are, for example, offices, schools, teaching, seminar and meeting rooms or waiting rooms.
From how many ppm is CO2 dangerous?
The limit values for CO2 in rooms are determined by EN 13779, the European standard for mechanical ventilation and air conditioning of non-residential buildings intended for human occupancy. The following values are defined in the unit ppm (parts per million):
- Below 800 ppm: High indoor air quality
- 800 - 1,000 ppm: Medium indoor air quality
- 1,000 - 1,400 ppm: Moderate indoor air quality
- Above 1,400 ppm: Low indoor air quality
1,400 ppm is the upper limit for acceptable indoor air quality. Symptoms of headache and fatigue may occur and the virus load in the enclosed space is increased.