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brennenstuhl® lighting products with new energy efficiency label

New energy efficiency for task lighting and wall spots as of September 2021

The new Energy Efficiency Directive is about new EU regulations for energy consuming products (Energy Related Products). These define new requirements both in terms of technology and (energy efficiency) labeling. For lighting products, this specifically concerns the two regulations (EU) 2019/2020 and (EU) 2019/2015).

At brennenstuhl®, mains-operated lighting products are affected. Battery- and accumulator-powered work spotlights and wall-mounted spotlights are excluded!

What changes with the new Energy Efficiency Directive 2021?

Energy efficiency class

The calculation basis of the energy efficiency classes has been changed, therefore there is the new energy efficiency label with the classes A to G (instead of A to E so far). For example, an LED spotlight that used to be classified as A is now only classified as E according to the new regulation.

A colored arrow shows the designated energy efficiency class in the corresponding classification A - G directly on the product.

Neue Energieeffizienz für Arbeitsbeleuchtung und Wandstrahler ab September 2021

The useful luminous flux

Previously, the total luminous flux was indicated without an angle. In the future, the useful luminous flux (lm), which represents only a certain part of the total luminous flux, and the beam angle will be advertised.


Energy efficiency label

The new energy efficiency label ranges from classes A to G. In addition, there is a product-specific QR code that leads to an EU product database where all ErP-relevant data can be accessed.

EcoDesign ErP 2021Neue Energieeffizienz für Arbeitsbeleuchtung und Wandstrahler ab September 2021

This allows you to immediately recognize which brennenstuhl® products fall under the new energy efficiency directive and meet the new, technical standards.